
更新时间:2024-09-18 08:04:14
描述:Configurable Signal Conditioning Enclosure

187585-02 概述

Configurable Signal Conditioning Enclosure 可配置的信号调理机箱

187585-02 数据手册


Configurable Signal Conditioning Enclosure  
NI CA-1000  
Versatile connector/enclosure system  
• Houses signal conditioning and  
connector block accessories  
• Wide variety of I/O connectivity  
and panelette options  
Interface Panelettes  
• Momentary pushbutton  
• Potentiometer  
Toggle switch  
• Rocker switch  
• Holds maximum of  
• LED  
18 connectivity/interface panelettes  
• Low-profile enclosure  
• Rack-mount and stacking  
kits available  
I/O Connectivity Options  
• BNC  
• Thermocouple  
• Banana jack  
• LEMO connector (B-Series)  
• MIL-spec  
• SMB  
• 9-pin D-Sub  
• Strain relief  
Internal Accessories  
The National Instruments CA-1000 is a configurable enclosure The CA-1000 houses a variety of signal conditioning and data  
designed for maximum user-defined I/O connectivity and flexibility. acquisition accessories, including the SC-204x, SCB-68,  
It is a portable enclosure for laptop, desktop, and rack-mount CB-68LPR, and CB-50LP. You mount these accessories using  
applications. You can install many NI accessories in the NI CA-1000, hardware in the bottom panel of the CA-1000 enclosure. To install  
such as the SC-204x signal conditioning products, and the SCB-68, the SCB-68 in the CA-1000, you must first remove it from its own  
CB-68LPR, and CB-50LP terminal blocks. The result metal enclosure.  
a compact, portable, flexible, and comprehensive signal  
conditioning/interconnection system. The CA-1000 also facilitates I/O Panelettes  
quick connection and disconnection with standard I/O connectors The CA-1000 includes a user-configurable signal connection  
for easy system integration and reconfiguration. By adding interface scheme. This connectivity flexibility is achieved with  
panelettes, such as toggle switches, potentiometers, and LEDs, you interchangeable panelettes. The panelettes, which come with  
can control and verify system operation locally.  
standard signal connectors – for example, BNC, SMB, banana jack,  
thermocouple plugs, and LEMO, MIL-Spec, and 9-pin D-Sub  
connectors – mount in the front of the CA-1000 enclosure.  
CA-1000 Enclosure  
The metal enclosure provides a low-profile, portable housing for The CA-1000 front panel offers nine panelette slots. The rear panel  
signal conditioning and connector accessories. You can place the can also be removed offering nine more panelette slots. However,  
enclosure under a laptop PC, on a benchtop, or in a 19 in. rack. this option is not available if you are using the SCB-68 inside the  
You can also stack two or more enclosures with the stacking kit. CA-1000. You can mix and match different types of panelettes. Each  
The CA-1000 enclosure includes five cable entry options, so you can panelette (except for the strain-relief panel) includes lead wires that  
place the 68-pin or 50-pin connector for the cable to your DAQ you connect to the screw terminals of the accessory mounted inside  
device on either the side or the rear of the CA-1000 enclosure. Please the CA-1000. You can therefore connect the panelettes to any I/O  
note that the CA-1000 is shipped without any panelettes, signal signal available on the accessory.  
conditioning accessories, connector blocks, or cables. These  
components must be ordered separately.  
Configurable Signal Conditioning Enclosure  
Interface Panelettes  
National Instruments also offers interface panelettes, which expand The cabling needed to connect the CA-1000 to the measurement  
the functionality of the CA-1000. Interface panelettes include device depends on the accessories installed in the CA-1000 and the  
traditional interface controls and displays, such as rocker switches, measurement device used. Some accessories installed in the CA-1000  
toggle switches, momentary switches, potentiometers, and LEDs. require internal cabling to connect the accessory to the CA-1000 wall.  
Using interface panelettes, which are mounted alongside I/O Use Table 1 to determine which cabling components you need,  
panelettes, you can change hardware inputs, trigger events, or verify including the cable to your measurement device.  
operational status. Each interface panelette includes lead wires for  
The CA-1000 also provides the flexibility of five external  
connection to the screw terminals of the accessory mounted inside interconnection locations, giving convenient cabling for laptop  
the CA-1000.  
applications by aligning the I/O connector with the location of the  
PCMCIA slots on laptop computers. With the five external  
interconnection locations, you can also customize desktop and rack-  
mount applications for added convenience.  
9-Pin D-Sub  
Banana Jack  
LEMO (B-Series)  
Toggle Switch  
Rocker Switch  
Strain Relief  
Momentary Switch  
Figure 1. CA-100 Panelettes Options  
Connector Blocks  
SC-204x Series  
R68M-50F and SH68-68-EP1  
Applicable for one leg  
R68M-50F and SHC68-68-EP  
CB-68LPR or SCB-68  
68-pin E Series DAQ Devices (except DAQCards)  
100-pin E Series DAQ Devices3  
Latching E Series DAQCards  
DAQCard-6062E, DAQCard-6024E  
Nonlatching E Series DAQCards:  
DAQCard-AI-16E-4, DAQCard-AI-16XE-50  
68-pin digital I/O and counter/timer devices (except DAQCards)  
PCI-DIO-32HS, PXI-6533, AT-DIO-32HS,  
NI 6534, NI 660x  
R68M-50F and PSHR68-68 shielded cable kit 2  
PSHR68-68 shielded cable kit2  
Nonlatching 68-pin digital I/O DAQCards:  
Simultaneous sampling multifunction DAQ devices  
PSHR68-68-D1 shielded cable kit  
R5OM-50F and SH50-50  
NI 65273, PCI-DIO-963, PXI-65083, DAQPad-65083  
R5OM-50F and PSH27-50F-D1  
Two R50M-50F and R1005050 4  
Two R50M-50F and NB54  
1You can also use the SH68-68R1-EP or R6868. 2You can also use the PR68-68F. 3You can use two CA-1000 enclosures with one of these devices. Please note: If you are using a NI 435x series data logger, please see Table 2 on page 358 for information on  
cabling to a CB-68T and CA-1000. 4Splits into two 50-pin connectors. See page 368 for information on using the CA-1000 with analog output products.  
Table 1. CA-1000 Cabling  
National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • info@ni.com • ni.com  
Configurable Signal Conditioning Enclosure  
Ordering Information  
NI CA-1000 ..............................................................................777664-01  
Dimensions – 30.7 by 25.4 by 4.3 cm (12.1 by 10.3 by 1.7 in.)  
External Cables  
SH68-68-EP, 1 m......................................................................184749-01  
SH68-68-D1, 1 m.....................................................................183432-01  
SH68-68R1-EP, 1 m .................................................................187051-01  
SH50-50, 1 m ...........................................................................777720-01  
R6868, 1 m................................................................................182482-01  
R1005050, 1 m..........................................................................182762-01  
NB5, 1 m...................................................................................181304-10  
SH1006868, 1 m.......................................................................182849-01  
PSHR68-68 shielded cable kit .................................................777293-01  
PSHR68-68-D1 shielded cable kit...........................................777420-01  
PR68-68F, 1 m..........................................................................183646-01  
PSH27-50F-D1, 1 m.................................................................776989-01  
SHC68-68-EP, 1 m ...................................................................186838-01  
Minithermocouple, J-type (2 included) ......................184736-01  
Minithermocouple, K-type (2 included) ....................184736-02  
Minithermocouple, uncompensated (2 included)......184736-03  
Thermocouple, J-type ..................................................187597-01  
Thermocouple, K-type..................................................187597-02  
Thermocouple, uncompensated ..................................187597-03  
BNC (2 included)..........................................................184737-01  
Banana jack (2 included)..............................................186405-01  
LEMO (B-Series)  
2-pin, female..............................................................187585-01  
4-pin, female..............................................................187585-02  
6-pin, female..............................................................187585-03  
MIL–C–26482 (Series 1)  
MS 3112 E 8-2 S ......................................................187591-01  
MS 3112 E 8-2 S ......................................................187591-02  
MS 3112 E 8-4 S ......................................................187591-03  
SMB (4 included)..........................................................185505-01  
9-pin D-Sub  
1 male ........................................................................184738-01  
2 male ........................................................................184738-02  
1 female......................................................................184738-03  
2 female......................................................................184738-04  
Strain relief (small) ......................................................184721-01  
Blank ..............................................................................184483-01  
Momentary push-button switches (2 included) ........185380-01  
Rocker switch (on/off/on) ............................................185379-01  
Toggle switches (on/off/on, 2 included) ......................185378-01  
Potentiometer (10 k, single-turn) ............................185377-01  
LEDs (4 included-1 green, 1 red,  
Internal Cables  
R50M-50F ribbon cable........................................................184526-0R3  
R68M-50F MIO bulkhead ribbon cable ..............................777660-0R3  
CA-1000 rack-mount kit (1U)................................................777665-01  
CA-1000 stacking kit................................................................777666-01  
CA-1000 panel mount kit........................................................187243-01  
Strain Relief Kit1 ......................................................................187407-01  
1You cannot use the Strain Relief Kit in conjunction with the rack-mount, panel-mount,  
or stacking kits.  
For information on extended warranty and value added  
services, visit ni.com/services.  
Visit ni.com/info and enter ca1000.  
1 orange, 1 yellow)....................................................185376-01  
National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • info@ni.com • ni.com 3  
NI Services and Support  
NI has the services and support to meet your  
needs around the globe and through the  
application life cycle – from planning  
and development through deployment  
and ongoing maintenance. We offer  
services and service levels to meet  
customer requirements in research,  
design, validation, and manufacturing.  
Visit ni.com/services.  
Local Sales and Technical Support  
In offices worldwide, our staff is local to the country, giving you  
access to engineers who speak your language. NI delivers industry-  
leading technical support through online knowledge bases, our  
applications engineers, and access to 14,000 measurement and  
automation professionals within NI Developer Exchange forums.  
Find immediate answers to your questions at ni.com/support.  
We also offer service programs that provide automatic upgrades to  
your application development environment and higher levels of  
technical support. Visit ni.com/ssp.  
Training and Certification  
NI training is the fastest, most certain route to productivity with our Hardware Services  
products. NI training can shorten your learning curve, save NI Factory Installation Services  
development time, and reduce maintenance costs over the NI Factory Installation Services (FIS) is the fastest and easiest way to  
application life cycle. We schedule instructor-led courses in cities use your PXI or PXI/SCXI™ combination systems right out of the  
worldwide, or we can hold a course at your facility. We also offer a box. Trained NI technicians install the software and hardware and  
professional certification program that identifies individuals who configure the system to your specifications. NI extends the standard  
have high levels of skill and knowledge on using NI products. warranty by one year on hardware components (controllers, chassis,  
Visit ni.com/training.  
modules) purchased with FIS. To use FIS, simply configure your  
system online with ni.com/pxiadvisor.  
Professional Services  
Our Professional Services Team is comprised of NI Calibration Services  
applications engineers, NI recognizes the need to maintain properly calibrated devices for  
NI Consulting Services, high-accuracy measurements. We provide manual calibration  
and worldwide NI procedures, services to recalibrate your products, and automated  
Alliance Partner Program calibration software specifically designed for use by metrology  
of more than 600 laboratories. Visit ni.com/calibration.  
independent consultants and integrators. Services range from start-  
up assistance to turnkey system integration. Visit ni.com/alliance.  
Repair and Extended Warranty  
NI provides complete repair services for our products. Express repair  
OEM Support  
and advance replacement services are also available. We offer  
We offer design-in consulting and product integration assistance extended warranties to help you meet project life-cycle requirements.  
if you want to use our products for OEM applications. For Visit ni.com/services.  
information about special pricing and services for OEM customers,  
visit ni.com/oem.  
ni.com • (800) 433-3488  
National Instruments • Tel: (512) 683-0100 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • info@ni.com  
© 2004 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved. Product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.  

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