
更新时间:2024-09-18 08:30:29
描述:Frequency Translator

FX-104-CFC-D3P7 概述

Frequency Translator 频率转换

FX-104-CFC-D3P7 数据手册


Product Data Sheet  
Frequency Translator  
• Output frequencies up to 777.60 MHz  
• Jitter Generation OC-192 compliant  
• Jitter transfer per GR-253-CORE  
• Single 5 or 3.3 Vdc supply  
• Locked to specified Input frequency, e.g. 8 kHz  
• 1" x 0.8" x 0.25", Surface Mount (FR4 base)  
• DWDM / FDM  
• DSL-PON Interconnects  
• FEC (Forward Error Correction)  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
Vectron's FX-104 is a SAW based frequency translator The "Input Frequency tracking capability" is the total  
which is used to translate any input frequency such as amount of input frequency deviation in which the FX-  
8 kHz, 1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz, 19.440 MHz etc. to any 104 is guaranteed to track or translate. As an example,  
specific frequency from 170 MHz to 777.6 MHz. The a typical input clock would be 8 kHz ±20 ppm. The FX-  
input frequency does not have to be a 50/50% duty 104 is guaranteed to track at least ±40 ppm of error over  
cycle and as an example can be an 8 kHz signal with a temperature/ aging/ power supply and is more than  
logic high "on time" of only 1us, such as a BITS clock. twice what most applications require. The PLL control  
The FX-104 also has the ability to translate any of 1 to voltage is brought out through a 470K ohm resistor.This  
4 different input frequencies to one common output fre- would allow for the use of external circuitry (analog  
quency, such as input frequencies of 8 kHz and 1.544 comparators or an A/D converter plus a processor) to  
MHz and 19.44 MHz and any other frequency between detect when the control voltage is getting close to the  
333 Hz and 170 MHz translating them to any specific limits of the pull range.  
output frequency from 170 MHz to 777.600 MHz.  
Performance Characteristics  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web: www.vectron.com  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
Outline Drawing  
Pin Out  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web: www.vectron.com  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
Pad Layout  
Recommended Reflow Profile  
NOTE: The FX-100 series should not be subjected to a wash process that will immerse it in solvents. NO CLEAN is the rec-  
ommended procedure. The FX-100 series has been designed for pick and place reflow soldering. The suggested reflow pro-  
file is shown above. The FX-100 series may be reflowed once, and should not be reflowed in the inverted position.  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web: www.vectron.com  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
Standard Shipping Method  
The Standard ship method for volume production of the  
FX-100 series is in a matrix tray. These trays are 100%  
recyclable. The trays also offer the added feature that  
they can be continuously feed into a pick-n-place  
machine eliminating the down time required with tape-  
Handling Precautions  
Although protection circuitry has been designed into this  
device, proper precautions should be taken to avoid  
exposure to electrostatic discharge (ESD) during han-  
dling and mounting. VI employs a human-body model  
(HBM) for ESD-susceptibility testing and protection  
design evaluation.  
ESD voltage thresholds are dependent on the circuit  
parameters used to define the mode. The HBM ESD  
threshold presented here was obtained by using para-  
meters where resistance = 1500 ohms, capacitance =  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web: www.vectron.com  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
Typical Application  
All components outside the dotted line box are user supplied components. This is just one possbile  
configuration of the FX-104. For additional information about your specific needs, please contact our factory.  
Output Load Configuration  
*Note: VI highly recommends either a linear  
regulator or bypass capacitors; 10 uF, 0.1 uF  
and a 100pF capacitor would be typical.  
All components outside the dotted line box are user supplied components  
and/or connections. This is just one possible configuration of the FX-104.  
For additional information about your specific needs please contact our Factory.  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web: www.vectron.com  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
FX-100 Series Selection Guide  
FITS / MTBF Calculations  
Per Bellcore TR-NWT-000332, GF @ +50ºC.  
Typical - FX-104-DFC-A1P8  
FITs = 316.88  
MTBF (Hours) = 3,155,819  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web: www.vectron.com  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
Q: What are the different input frequencies that are available?  
A: The FX-100 series is able to handle any input frequency between 8 kHz and 170 MHz.  
(A list of standard frequencies is available on pages 9 & 10)  
Q: How many different input frequencies can a specific FX-104 accept?  
A: Each FX-104 can be programmed to accept up to 4 different frequencies.  
Q: If there is only one input pin, how can your unit accept 4 different frequencies?  
A: The user is required to supply a multiplexer which would switch between the different input  
frequencies.The multiplexers’ select pins would need to be sync’d to the select pins of the FX-104.  
(See TheTypical Application illustrated on page 6)  
Q: Can a single FX-104 handle an application for 4 input frequencies of 8 kHz, 19.44, 77.76 and 155.52 MHz  
all being translated to 622.08 MHz, with the 155.52 MHz input being LvPECL and the others HCMOS?  
A: Yes; since the FX-104 AC couples the input signal, this combination can be supported.  
Q: What is the lock time for the FX-104?  
A: The exact lock time will depend on the specific input frequency. It should be noted that in all cases  
the lock time will be significantly less than 1 second.  
Q: I asked for a FX-104-DFC-A2S8 with 19.44 and 155.52 MHz for the input frequencies and was given a  
Source Control Drawing (SCD) number of FX-104-DFC-S5999. Why was a new number assigned?  
A: Whenever there are multiple input frequencies, we need to assign a SCD for the unit so that we can  
include a table indicating what the logic levels need to be on pins 12 and 13 to control the unit per  
the correct input frequency.  
Q: What are the exact jitter transfer specs that the FX-104 series meets?  
A: The FX-104 meets the stringent jitter transfer specs in GR-253 for Category II jitter (Section  
for all OC-n levels.  
Q: My circuit card is already laid out for the FX-102, Is the FX-104 footprint compatible?  
A: Yes;The FX-104 package is a drop in replacement for the FX-102 package.The only difference is in  
the logic level for the Output Disable/Enable pin.They are opposite between the FX-102 and FX-104.  
However letting pin 8 float will allow both units to be enabled.  
Q: What type of noise on the supply line can the FX-104 suppress?  
A: The FX-104 is designed to clean up noise on the Input Clock Signal, it is not designed to clean up  
noisy power supplies. If excessive noise is present on the supply line it may degrade the output jitter  
performance. Additional external filtering may be required. Please consult with your power supply  
vendor on the best way to filter noise on your supply line.  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web: www.vectron.com  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
Evaluation Board  
PECL Load Voltage:  
Vcc- 2V  
3 Places  
For FX-101 with PECL output  
Place Connector in the  
“0” position for Enable  
“1” position Disable  
(In disable position as shown)  
Evaluation boards are available upon request.  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web: www.vectron.com  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
Other Standard Input / Output Combinations  
The combinations above are just a small sample of  
what is possible with the FX-104 series.  
Vectron International will support all FEC rates for  
SONET, 10 GigB and 10.3125 GigB applications. If  
you do not see a frequency option listed that you  
need, please contact the factory.  
The FX-104 uses Vectron International’s VS-500  
VCSO and as such can support any output frequency  
that is available with the VS-500. The list below shows When ordering FEC rates, we ask that you also include  
the available frequencies for the VS-500.  
the FEC ratio (e.g. 255/237 x OC-3, 237/236 x OC-  
3,etc....) for both the input and output frequencies.  
VS-500 Available Frequencies (MHz)  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web: www.vectron.com  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
Standard Frequencies  
How to Order  
FX-104 - -
Output Frequency (6 to 9)  
See Frequency Chart Above  
*If not listed enter S in this block and then list the  
Supply Voltage  
C = 5 Vdc ±5%  
D = 3.3 Vdc ±5%  
output frequencies after the part number.  
Input Frequency (C to 7)  
See Frequency Chart Above  
Output Type  
F = Comp. PECL  
*If not listed or more than one frequency enter S in  
this block and then list all the input frequencies  
after the part number.  
Number of Input Frequencies  
1 = 1 Input Frequency  
2 = *2 Input Frequencies  
3 = *3 Input Frequencies  
4 = *4 Input Frequencies  
Temperature Range  
C = 0°C to +70°C  
F = -40°C to +85°C  
Input Logic  
D = PECL  
*If not listed or more than one input frequency a special SCD  
number will be assigned at point of order.  
Part Number Examples:  
*FX-104-DFF-A4S2, S = 8 kHz, 19.44 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz  
*FX-104-CFC-A1PS, S = 625 MHz  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 • Web: www.vectron.com  
FX-104 Frequency Translator  
Visit Our Website at  
For additional information please contact:  
USA:Vectron International * 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051........ Tel:1-88-VECTRON-1 * Fax:1-888-FAX-VECTRON  
EUROPE: ..................................................................................................Tel: 49 (0) 3328 4784 17 * Fax: 49 (0) 3328 4784 30  
ASIA:.................................................................................Tel: +86 21 28909740 / 41 / 42 Fax: +86 21 28909240 / 28909999  
Vectron International reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and/or information contained herein without notice.  
No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information.  
Vectron International • 267 Lowell Road, Hudson, NH 03051 Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1 •  
REV 18Oct01, 20Aug02  

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FX-104-CFC-D3S7 VECTRON Frequency Translator 获取价格

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